Friday, January 6, 2012

Things That Make Me Smile No. 9: Floating Algae

This is one of those times that I wished
a) that I had a polarising filter on my camera; and
b) that I'd had my camera with me.

But I did have my phone so this will have to do. Although I would like to make it known that I couldn't actually see what I was taking a photo of so it's a bit of a point, click and hope job.

Okay so it doesn't look like much but here's the story. I took Ash for a walk around the lake and noticed these bits of weedy algae, or whatever they are. The way the light was shining on the water, and the clarity of the first few centimetres of water made it look like they were suspended in air. At least that's how it looked through my polarising sunglasses. You'll have to just bear with me here and take my word for it.

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