Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a difference a day makes

Gestation: 40 weeks and 6 days
Days since EDD: 6
Weight gain: 14.5kg
Number of chocolates eaten today: None. Haven't had any for the past two days. Or cake. Or ice cream. Quite pleased with myself. If I start to feel a bit down I might grab an ice cream but so far I'm feeling rather pleased with my will power. Consistency, you see.

Just thought I'd pop in and say my impatience with waiting for this baby seemed to disappear yesterday. It coincided with some more obvious signs of early labour: increased tingling in the groin and pelvic region, period-type cramps that were on and off all day rather than just in the morning, and last night - excitement - I could actually feel my contractions. They were very mild and subtle and went from being regular to irregular. The advice I read said to ignore them so I did. And for once I didn't think "oh I'm going to have a baby tonight". I fully expected to wake up this morning and find nothing happening. Which is exactly what did happen and that's quite alright. Weird.

I had a bad night's sleep. It was hot and humid, even with the air-con on and I ended up on the sofa for a couple of hours because it was cooler in here. I really must try and get some more sleep today.

One thing is bugging me and that is the fact that I am still being offered unsolicited advice about how to get this baby out, and it's nothing I haven't heard before, or indeed tried... except for acupuncture which I'm considering but think I'll just leave it to be honest. I don't feel the need to spend money on that when I could just get my doctor to break my waters. I am quite confident that there won't be any further intervention if he does that. I'm struggling to take the advice and funny comments good-naturedly. I mean, they really are quite unnecessary.

One thing I must do is stop watching the news regarding the bush fires down south as I'm sure it's not conducive for a nice relaxing pre-labour mood. It's so upsetting and maddening to think that someone is doing that on purpose. I just don't even want to think about it but it's all that's on telly at the moment. We'll certainly remember the week this baby was born... or the week before, depending on when it decides to grace us with its presence.

Well, I've attempted to have a sleep, lounged on the bed for about an hour and think I slept for all of about 10 minutes. That seems to be the way whenever I have naps during the day. It was worth a try though and I might try again later. Right now, I'm off to hang out the washing and have some lunch before wandering around the shops, and possibly heading to the beach for a quick walk and a swim. Then maybe some fruit shop shopping. I might buy the baby a toy, maybe one that squeaks and I'll squeak it at my belly in an attempt to entice baby out. And I will not have an ice cream today, no I won't!

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