Gestation: 36 weeks
Days to EDD: 28
Weight gain: 13kg
Number of chocolates eaten today: None. The sweet cravings are finally dissapating somewhat. Hurrah! (Although I did have jam on toast, and banana and peanut butter on toast.)I look like Mr Greedy. I really do.
The funny thing is I noticed this after a conversation with a friend in which I was explaining that I'd been regularly reading Mr Greedy to the baby and she decided it would be a good thing to put on a square of the quilt we're going to make at my baby shower.
Yes, I've decided to have one. I have only invited a small number of people to my Celebration of Impending Motherhood and I asked them not to bring gifts but instead to help me make a quilt for the baby. Karen and I had great fun in Spotlight last week picking out some bright unisex fabrics. The party is next Saturday and I'm going to provide a selection of goodies for a traditional English afternoon tea, just like we used to have whilst watching The Muppets when we were kids.
Current ailments:
- Apart from looking like Mr Greedy despite the lack of sugar cravings and not putting on any weight, I am suffering from heartburn again. It's on and off but has happened most days this week. Very annoying.
- My ribs still ache. They were really sore last night and I wanted to get the theracane into them only to discover that Toby had leant it to a colleague until tomorrow. I asked him if he could get into it for me and he did try but was suffering from a sore arm and shoulder and couldn't quite give it the effort I needed.
- I'm getting tired again. Not that I ever wasn't really but I find standing and cooking at the end of a day's work a bit of a trial. I will see if it gets any better next week when I'm on leave. Will be nice to have a bit more spare time and be able to factor in some afternoon naps but to be totally honest I can't believe how quickly it has come around.
Other news:
- Tomorrow is my last day of work before maternity leave. Having pretty much handed everything over (except for management of our support queue which is a right pain) I am now sitting amongst boxes (one for rubbish, one for recycling, one for home and one for storage here) and piles of crap as I try and sort my stuff out. Obviously I'm procrastinating severely by typing this. Oh, and I've just remembered I need to book a table for lunch at the tavern tomorrow.
- As mentioned I am organising a baby shower for next weekend. I need to go to the library next week and get some books on quilt making because I really don't have a clue. I also need to buy cotton because Kaz and I bought fabric and then realised we had nothing to stitch it together with. Not the right colours anyway.
- No progress has been made with the nursery other than deciding where the furniture is going to go. I'm hoping Toby will put up some shelves and stick some hooks in the ceiling this weekend. The next job will be to choose a carpet. Toby's mum has offered to make curtains so we'll hopefully get around to shopping for some fabric this weekend when she visits Andrei and Karen.
- We've chosen a pram and as far as I'm aware my mam and dad are in the process of buying it for us online. Woohoo!!! After much deliberation and research and getting to the point where we just wanted to make a decision and not think about it anymore we chose a discounted (hurrah for January sales) Steelcraft Strider DLX in Kingfisher (a gorgeous blue-green, much like a Kingfisher really). Lucie opted for the same pram but thankfully in a slightly different colour. We're also getting a bassinet to go with it after discovering a thermometer in our bedroom reading over 30 degrees last week and deciding it would be uncool to cook the baby. For daytime sleeps we can put the bassinet in the room with the air-con on hot days.
- We also have a good idea of which cot we'll get and Toby's mum has offered to get this for us so we're pretty close to getting that organised.
- I still haven't booked my cleaner but I've had the number on my screen for days and just haven't got round to calling. Will do that now I think.
- Izzy (the X-Trail) and I have been getting to know each other and we're getting along quite well. I still miss Mitsi but I like being able to go over the speed bumps at work in 2nd gear, and not bumping my head or my belly when trying to get in and out of the car, or get bags in and out of the back seat. I have hired a baby restraint (capsule) from Queensland Ambulance ($68 for 6 months) and I'm getting that fitted on 23rd January.
- Baby is considered full term in one week. Woh!
- I still need to pack my hospital bag. Definitely a job for next week.
- I have been researching the third stage of labour. It seems strange but apparently the medical staff automatically intervene here regardless of the kind of birth you've had. They give you an injection to expel the placenta. I'm trying to find out if this is really necessary and if it's the more desirable option. I'm also looking into cord blood donation. Ideally I'd like to donate to Alzheimer's Research but it doesn't look that easy. I'm not even sure it's possible to donate the blood to the central bank at our hospital. I kind of figure if I'm not donating it then wouldn't I want the baby to get it rather than it just getting chucked away? It's a bit to consider but if I don't get around to making any decisions I'll just defer to the medical staff and go with their usual method.
1 comment:
OMG you look beautiful!! whoa mumma! not long now, so much to do by the sounds of it. i can't believe that in a few months there will be a critter coming along to things. bestest of wishes for you and tobes. love janettee
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